Causes of Breakouts & How to Avoid them
Increased production of hormones and overproduction of oil (sebum) in the skin can cause the growth of a bacteria called P.acnes which is typically the cause of breakouts or acne. Genetics are also said to play a big role on how your body reacts to hormones that stimulate acne. There are many habits to either avoid or implement in order to minimize or otherwise rid yourself altogether of P.acnes bacteria and breakouts. Here are five reasons your breakouts may be on the increase:
- Dirty Pillowcase
Washing your face before you sleep should always be a number one priority. Bacteria build up is one of the leading causes of acne and breakouts, which can also be attributed to surfaces like your pillowcases, and dirty cell phones. Making sure to wash your makeup brushes should also be a high priority on your to do list in order to avoid breakouts.
Cleansing our skin prior to sleeping is best practise,, as airborne bacteria gets on the skin and can then be transferred to your pillowcases. Skin is also prone to infection in this type of environment; especially if there are any open cuts or raw skin exposed.
- Lack of Sleep
As we mentioned in other blog posts, cortisol levels go down while we rest and our body (and skin) undergoes a process of repair and regeneration. Therefore if not enough rest is attained, our bodies are exposed to high cortisol levels, constantly; which can be cause for breakouts.
- Your pores are clogged
Heavy skin creams, and even various hair products can be terrible for our skin (and bodies), causing clogged pores once products seep into them. These can also cause chest acne, back acne and various types of body acne, including pimples along the hairline and acne in the scalp. Opting for light creams without harsh chemicals and parabens, as well as sticking to organic products is a great way to combat this.
- Working out and sweating
Breakouts and clogged pores thrive on the skin when we sweat and do things like skip showers.... never a good idea. Before you anticipate that you may be likely to sweat, it's always good practise to wash off any makeup, oil or bacteria to avoid it getting into the pores as they open to produce sweat.
- Sweat and Bacteria "Trapping"
Wearing things like hats, and tight clothing that are not breathable- (especially at the gym) can trap sweat and bacteria against the skin and also clog pores. The lining of a tight hat, headband, sports bra, even linings of under garments carry this risk, causing zits to pop up. Showering and washing your face after sweating is a fix, as well as loosening the band of the hat so it's not so snug against the skin to trap sweat and bacteria. Using an anti-bacterial wipe in this area is a great way to make sure the area is bacteria free prior to each use. Wearing loose fitting clothing during a sweat session can be a fix for body acne as well as regularly washing clothing.