"yegskin" RSS

"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami", "order to apply skincare products", "skincare FAQ", "skincare", "what order should i apply my skincare products?", "what order should you apply your skincare products?", "yegskin", acid, aging skin, AHA, BHA, BHAs, nicinamide, Salicylic acid, salicylic acids -

One is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), and the other is a form of vitamin B3. Together, they’re especially helpful for oily skin, enlarged pores and adult acne. But even if you don’t deal with those conditions, they actually offer a long list of benefits for every skin type.

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"alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", "katakami", "order to apply skincare products", "skincare FAQ", "skincare", "what order should i apply my skincare products?", "what order should you apply your skincare products?", "yegskin", acid, acne, acne and caffeine, advanced glycation, aging skin, AHA, AHAs, alberta, alberta cold spell, Alberta dry scalp, alberta farm, alberta fresh, alberta fresh hand cream, alberta fresh handcream, alberta skincare, skin tips, skincare tip, skincare tips, winter skincare tips -

We all dream of flawless, glowing skin, but with new products constantly hitting the shelves and the seemingly endless skincare advice out there on the Internet, it's not always easy to figure out the skincare routine that's going to work best for you. You know the basics — drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and wash your face, but what about everything in between? Luckily, there’s no need to shell out tons of cash on any magical procedures or expensive creams to achieve flawless skin.

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", "katakami", "skincare FAQ", "skincare", "yegskin", dry skin, dry skin tips, winter skincare, winter skincare tips, winter tips -

Well-hydrated skin equals happy, healthy skin during the cold winter months. However, with less humidity in the air, the skin is less apt to receive moisture naturally, and dry, itchy skin that’s easily irritated can ensue.

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami", "skincare FAQ", "skincare", "yegskin", dry skin, edmonton alberta skincare, skincare yeg -

In Korea, there is such a thing as the three-second rule when it comes to applying your serums and moisturizers. According to an article on Allure, there is a window of three seconds after cleansing that women have to apply their first skincare product. Why so?

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", "katakami", "skincare", "yegskin", AHAs, alberta, bad skin habits, FAQ's skincare, skin mistakes, skin mistakes skin damage, skin mstakes, skin sins, what not to do to your skin -

But what if getting better skin wasn't as complicated as you think? One place to start is by evaluating which skincare sins you're committing (intentionally or not) and then put better habits into place. Below are the top mistakes two dermatologists see people make all the time.

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