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Well-hydrated skin equals happy, healthy skin during the cold winter months. However, with less humidity in the air, the skin is less apt to receive moisture naturally, and dry, itchy skin that’s easily irritated can ensue.

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami", "skincare FAQ", "skincare", "yegskin", dry skin, edmonton alberta skincare, skincare yeg -

In Korea, there is such a thing as the three-second rule when it comes to applying your serums and moisturizers. According to an article on Allure, there is a window of three seconds after cleansing that women have to apply their first skincare product. Why so?

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"alberta fresh", "alberta katakami", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", cbk, cleanser, collagen, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, eyes, fine lines, herniation, inflammation, katakami, katakami hand cream, milia, nighttime skincare, puffiness, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, undereye care, winter time, wrinkles -

One of the most frequently discussed topics when it comes to skincare is the under eye area. These concerns range from how to care for the skin around the eyes to potential limitations of topical skincare when it comes to this area. We hope to shed some light on these.... (we're holding back a joke about bringing your sunglasses).

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