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Hydroxy acids function to smooth, tighten, firm and brighten. They encourage stimulation of healthy new skin cells as they encourage exfoliation, can also function beneath the skin's topical layer to penetrate the epidermal and dermal layer. Overtime, these acids are proven to be effective and observers that use these acids typically consistently notice a significant difference in their skin's smoothness as it works to exfoliate.


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"alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "alberta katakami", "alberta", "katakami", alberta fresh hand cream, anti-aging, beauty sleep, cbk, cleanser, cosmetics, cosmetics by katakami, cosmeticsbykatakami, moisturizer, nighttime skincare, pollutins, skin, skin tips, skincare, skincare routine, skintips, toxins -

During the day our skin is in “protection” mode, on the lookout for dangers or toxins to our skin, as well as UV rays. When we sleep, our skin transitions from protection mode to renewal mode, where the skin repairs itself from any damage, and renews/rejuvenates our skin’s cells.

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