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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta", cbk, chemicals in skincare, cosmetics by katakami, hand cream katakami, harmful paraben, harmful parabens, katakami, paraben, parabens, preservatives, skincare, skincare preservatives -

Parabens have been labelled harmful as they bind to estrogen receptors, and said by experts to be linked to breast cancer, as they stay in our tissue. Parabens are not only harmful to humans, they are said to also be harmful to the atmosphere, being that they are washed into sewage systems and released into the environment.

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh handcream", "aloe skincare", "cosmetics by katakami", alberta fresh, aloe, cbk, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, inflamed skin, inflammation, irritated skin, jojoba, jojoba oil, katakami, katakami hand cream, olive oil, olive oil in skincare, redness, rosacea, skin, skincare, soy, vitamins -

It's important to remember that there are a lot of ingredients that your skincare products may contain that could potentially harm your skin further and exacerbate your skin’s condition. Products like salicylic acid, alpha or beta hydroxy acids and  benzoyl peroxide are all ingredients that can help with acne breakouts, yet harmful to inflamed or irritated skin. Excessive exfoliation may also be the cause of irritated skin as well. 


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"alberta katakami", "katakami", aging skin, alberta fresh, anti aging, antiaging, cbk, cosmetics, cosmetics by katakami, fine lines, katakami hand cream, skincare, skincare tips, what causes wrinkles?, wrinkles -

Our skin loses it's elasticity as we get older, as a result of our skin losing fat and producing less collagen beginning in our mid 20's. The first signs of wrinkles and lines develop as a result of repetitive expressions that we make. 


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