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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "alberta", "aloe skincare", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", "katakami", acne, acne and caffeine, alberta fresh handcream, alcohol and the skin, anti aging, beauty sleep, caffeine, caffeine and the skin, caffeine pros and cons, cbk, cell tunover, cleanser, coffee and the skin, coffee effects, collagen, cortisol, cosmetics, cosmetics by katakami, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, epidermis, eyes, fine lines, healthy diet, hydration, inflammation, katakami hand cream, natural, nighttime skincare, olive oil, R.E.M., rejuventation, sebum, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare and caffeine, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, sleep, winter time, wrinkles -

Caffeine is best known as a stimulant, as the "pick me up" you need when you're tired and in most cases- when you haven't gotten enough rest. It's come to be known that caffeine has a few other unspoken properties that can be both harmful and beneficial to the skin. The key to minimizing caffeine's cons, is to find a healthy balance that your skin can navigate so to not do too much damage!

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"alberta katakami", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "katakami handcream", alberta fresh, cbk, collagen, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, inflammation, katakami, katakami hand cream, skin, skin tips, skincare, skincare tips, sustainability, sustainable, sustainable skincare, wrinkles -

We've noticed that sustainability is a trend that has been penetrating many markets- from clothing, skincare to other products. A sustainable product is basically one that is eco friendly, and biodegradable- without plastics and toxicity. The idea of a sustainable product includes the packaging; describing an approach without boxes, that is minimal and made of recycled materials.

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", acne, alberta fresh, alberta fresh handcream, anti aging, cbk, cleanser, collagen, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, epidermis, fine lines, hydration, inflammation, katakami, katakami hand cream, natural, nighttime skincare, retinol, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, Why retinol is important for your skincare regimen in 2020, winter time, wrinkles -

Retinol is the clinically proven to have great results for your skin. With exfoliating, anti-aging and anti-acne properties, retinol is also well known to miraculously decrease wrinkles and fine lines.  The purpose of retinol Many focus on retinol as a primary anti-ageing ingredient, and this is an accurate analysis of the product. Its exfoliating properties are what helps the product carry out the anti-aging function which encourages collagen production and the combating of environmental pollutants and free radicals.  When to avoid retinol The ingredient should be avoided if individuals have pre-exiting skin concerns such as rosacea, eczema or psoriasis. These underlying...

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