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"alberta fresh handcream", "alberta fresh", "alberta katakami", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", cbk, collagen, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, eczema, fine lines, inflammation, katakami, katakami hand cream, nighttime skincare, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, winter time, wrinkles -

A first line of defence toward eczema is keeping your skin hydrated. Apart from hydration as a cure for aging, it also helps with the lack of developing symptoms associated with eczema. Moisturizing the skin helps to protect against itchiness and dryness, which also aids in maintaining and building the skin's barrier function. Scratching at the skin when it becomes itchy damages the skin barrier and can in turn can make the skin susceptible to infection. 

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"alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", acne, alberta fresh, alberta fresh hand cream, alberta fresh handcream, anti aging, cbk, cleanser, collagen, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, epidermis, fine lines, hydration, inflammation, katakami, katakami hand cream, men, men's skin, men's skincare, natural, nighttime skincare, skin, skin care, skin tips, skin tips for, skincare, skincare for men, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, winter time, wrinkles -

Skincare is important for everyone, gender aside. We recognize that skincare posts and blogs have typically not been addressed or marketed toward men specifically, but all of our posts are for everyone! We wanted to make a quick intro to skincare for males as the new year begins- for any males specifically that would like to make their skin a priority in 2020.


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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "alberta", "cosmetics by katakami", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", acid, acne, AHA, AHAs, alberta fresh, alberta fresh handcream, alcohol and the skin, alpha hydroxy acid, alpha hydroxy acids, anti aging, beta hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acids, BHA, BHAs, cbk, cleanser, collagen, cosmetics, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, epidermis, fine lines, hyaluronic acid, hydration, inflammation, katakami, katakami hand cream, natural, nighttime skincare, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, winter time, wrinkles -

Hydroxy acids function to smooth, tighten, firm and brighten. They encourage stimulation of healthy new skin cells as they encourage exfoliation, can also function beneath the skin's topical layer to penetrate the epidermal and dermal layer. Overtime, these acids are proven to be effective and observers that use these acids typically consistently notice a significant difference in their skin's smoothness as it works to exfoliate.


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